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Pastel Journal
  • Pastel Journal
  • Pastel Journal
  • Pastel Journal

Pastel Journal


THE PASTEL JOURNAL is the only national magazine devoted entirely to the medium of pastel. Addressing the working professional as well as the passionate amateur, THE PASTEL JOURNAL offers both inspiration and instruction. Gorgeous reproductions, in-depth interviews, thought-provoking essays, up-to-the-minute information on workshops, contests and exhibitions, as well as regular columns on professional practice, all help readers become not only better but more successful artists.

Published Quarterly

4 Issues per year

Subscription Term: 1 year
New / Renewal: New

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After your subscription order is placed we will process the order immediately and send it to the publisher for scheduling. Estimated delivery times vary depending on the magazine publisher and the frequency of the subscription.

Estimated delivery time is:

  • Weekly Magazines: 4 to 6 weeks
    Bi-Weekly and Monthly Titles: 6 to 9 weeks
    Bi-monthly and Seasonal Subscriptions: 7 to 12 weeks


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