Watercolor Artist
  • Watercolor Artist
  • Watercolor Artist
  • Watercolor Artist
  • Watercolor Artist

Watercolor Artist


Formerly Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Artist Magazine offers step-by-step instructions in watercolor, acrylic, gouache and other Watercolor. Readers will improve their skills, and learn new techniques. Working artists share ideas about what works for them, how to make art profitable and how to make best use of the new water media products now on the market. Also included are photographs of great paintings, sketches and illustrations which make the text clear and easy to follow.

Published Quarterly

4 issues per year

Subscription Term: 2 years
New / Renewal: New

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  • Weekly Magazines:4 to 6 weeks
    Bi-Weekly and Monthly Titles:6 to 9 weeks
    Bi-monthly and Seasonal Subscriptions:7 to 12 weeks

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